for our Indian Himalayas
Fix Departures trekking trips
in the Garhwal Himalayas
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Welcome to Adventure World, we at Adventure Trekking are rending our top services to incoming travelers in Indian Himalayas. Our fix programs are for those who thrive on discovery and Adventure Holidays. We relish the chance to venture far into the unknown.
Commitment for client's safety and value for money services. All operations are conducted and managed by educated guides/Instructors .Trekking and Climbing Expeditions in Himalayas
Adventure Trekking Ltd. is a joint venture with Indian Himalayan guides
and two European tour organizers and passionate trekkers.
Together we decided to create Adventure Trekking
to explore & preserve
Garhwal Himalayas in an ecological way,
to enjoy sports challenges in secure conditions,
to share indian / western cultures in an open and light way.
The guides: Santosh Kunwar, Rama narayan, Sanjay , Shikhar and Soban Singh.
The two organizers: Beatrice Hudry and Henk Hofman.
Therefore we propose you trekking, biking, rafting, skiing...
in the "Abode of Gods", as Indian people name Garhwal Himalayas.
And you will enjoy the breathtaking panoramas you come across,
with 6 of the 10 highest tops of Indian Himalaya...
We make every effort to ensure that you enjoy your holiday experience to the full. While you will be meeting the local people, enjoying the stunning landscape and taking beautiful photographs we will be in the background carrying your gear, preparing meals, setting up camps and taking care of all your requirements to make your holiday a comfortable and memorable one.
You will camp in style. All are tents are of a high standard and with camping mats provided you can be sure of good nights sleep no matter the weather. Drinking water is filtered with state of the art water filters so its safe and nice tasting unlike iodine treated water. Like the water you can also be sure your food is prepared with the same hygienic standards.
Your safety is our highest priority. All our guides have years of practical experience in first aid and are all trained in advanced rescue techniques. All safety equipment is in perfect order and to western standards.
Adventure Trekking is totally committed to preserve the environment and culture of the area in which we travel. We use Kerosene oil for cooking stoves at our trekking and rafting camps thus eliminating the need to burn firewood, as it is vital for local people.
It is our only request that we, the visitors to these fragile communities leave for tomorrow, what we have found today.
Adventuretrekking LTD has the purpose to provide you travel and vacation packages. We will inform you as much about : health, local weather, local maps, state maps and maps for trekking, as well as we try you to deliver a cheap airline ticket. Of course we give any information about mountains, peaks and special treks as well as local and Indian culture and music. Our purpose is to do this as eco tourism as a challenge to show that balance between different cultures and balance between human and earth is possible.